Full Employment in Relaxed Indonesia

What is Full Employment?

Full employment is a situation in which everyone who is willing to work is able to find a job. It is an economic situation in which all available labor resources are being used in the most efficient way possible. This leads to an increase in the production of goods and services and an increase in the quality of life. In a full employment situation, there is no unemployment, underemployment, or hidden unemployment.

Full Employment in Indonesia

Full employment in Indonesia has been a long-term goal since the country gained independence in 1945. The government has implemented various policies and programmes in order to achieve this goal. These include increasing investment in infrastructure, improving the quality of education, and providing incentives for businesses to create more jobs. In addition, the government has also introduced a range of tax relief measures to reduce the cost of labour and encourage companies to hire more people. As a result, the unemployment rate in Indonesia has declined significantly over the past few years.

Benefits of Full Employment in Indonesia

Full employment in Indonesia has a number of benefits. Firstly, it helps to reduce poverty, as people who are employed are more likely to have higher incomes than those without jobs. This in turn leads to increased spending power and an improved standard of living. Secondly, full employment helps to stimulate economic growth, as more people are working and creating value that can be shared across the country. Finally, full employment also helps to create a more equitable society, as it provides opportunities to those who are traditionally excluded from the labour market, such as women and minorities.

Challenges of Full Employment in Indonesia

Despite the various benefits, full employment in Indonesia also poses some challenges. Firstly, it can lead to inflation if the demand for goods and services exceeds the available supply. Secondly, it can lead to wage stagnation if wages are not kept up with rising prices. Thirdly, it can lead to a decrease in productivity if businesses are unable to find enough skilled labour to fill their vacancies. Finally, it can lead to an increase in inequality if certain groups are unable to access the same opportunities as others.

Government Policies and Measures

The Indonesian government has implemented a number of policies and measures in order to address the challenges of full employment. These include increasing investment in infrastructure and education, creating incentives for businesses to hire more people, providing tax relief measures, and introducing new labour laws that protect workers’ rights. The government has also increased its efforts to reduce the gender wage gap, which has been identified as a major obstacle to achieving full employment.

Effects of Globalization

Globalization has also had an impact on full employment in Indonesia. On the one hand, it has led to an increase in the number of jobs available, as multinational companies are setting up operations in the country. On the other hand, it has also made it more difficult for domestic companies to compete, as they are unable to match the wages and benefits offered by multinationals. This has led to a decrease in the number of jobs available to domestic workers, which can have a negative impact on full employment.


Full employment in Indonesia is an important goal that the government has been striving towards for many years. Despite the various challenges and obstacles, the government has implemented a number of policies and measures in order to improve the situation. Globalization has also had an impact, both positive and negative. Nevertheless, if the government continues to pursue its policies, it is likely that full employment will eventually be achieved in Indonesia.


Full employment is an important economic goal for Indonesia, and the government is taking a number of measures to achieve it. These include increasing investment in infrastructure and education, creating incentives for businesses to hire more people, and introducing new labour laws that protect workers’ rights. Globalization has also had an impact, but the government is working hard to ensure that domestic companies are not disadvantaged. With the right policies and measures in place, full employment can eventually be achieved in Indonesia.